Alumni Profile
The PPGFT/UFSCar aims to train Masters and Ph.D. students capable of:
- developing scientific research demonstrating expertise with conceptual and methodological instruments essential in the concentration area of the PPGFT/UFSCar, with qualification and competence for teaching at a higher education institution;
- developing scientific research representing a real, original, and innovative contribution to the field of Physical Therapy;
- developing and disseminating new knowledge, technologies, and products;
- assuming a leading position in education and research institutions in Physical Therapy in Brazil and abroad.
The PPGFT/UFSCar monitors the efficacy of its training and whether former students met the characteristics described above by surveying and registering the academic training, academic career, and position held by former students.
In 2017, the PPGFT/UFSCar administration sent a survey to 423 former Master’s and Ph.D. students asking about their current professional situation. A total of 267 (63%) completed the questionnaire; 202 were women (76%) and 65 men (24%). Of the respondents, 257 (96%) had a degree in Physical Therapy, and the others had a different degree; 53 (20%) had a Post-Doc, while 20 (7.5%) were doing a Post-Doc.
Former students by regions and countries
In 2017, 206 former students (77% of respondents) lived in the Southeast, 12 (4%) in the Midwest, 21 (8%) in the Northeast, 4 (2%) in the Northern, 10 (4%) in the Southern, and 14 (5%) lived abroad.
The PPGFT/UFSCar former students are spread in Brazil and several countries, evidencing the nucleation role of the PPGFT/UFSCar.
Former students by performance (2016-2020 quadrennium)
More than 60% of former students were screened, and more than 60% were working in activities related to the area.
Regarding performance, 69 former students (26% of respondents) worked as physical therapists in clinics and hospitals, while 146 (55%) worked as professors in higher education institutions. Of the former students who worked as professors, 92 (63%) worked at public universities, 130 (approximately 90%) taught classes in Physical Therapy courses, and 119 (81.5%) taught courses related to their training area in the PPGFT/UFSCar.
Finally, of the 146 former students who worked as professors, 69 (47%) were part of Graduate Programs, and 56 (81% of those who were part of a graduate program) were part of Graduate Programs associated with the area of Physical Education from CAPES. A total of 46 (67%) of professors who were members of Graduate Programs declared that they obtained financial assistance from research funding agencies in the last four years.
In summary, former students of the PPGFT/UFSCar have assumed leadership and prominent positions in universities, research institutions, companies, and industries, both in Brazil and abroad; therefore, meeting the program's objectives.
Defenses (quadrennium 2016-2020)
Between 2016 and 2020, there were 90 Master's theses defenses. Of the Master's students, 13 also obtained a Ph.D. degree at PPGFT/UFSCar, and 35 were regularly enrolled in the Ph.D. program at PPGFT/UFSCar. There were 100 Ph.D. dissertation defenses. Therefore, 177 former students defended theses and dissertations at the PPGFT/UFSCar between 2016 and 2020.
Defenses - biennium 2021-2022
In 2021, there were 16 Master's dissertation defenses and 20 Doctorate's thesis defenses.
In 2022, there were 08 Master's dissertation defenses and 18 Doctorate's thesis defenses.
Defenses - PPGFT - 2021 (.pdf 98.3kB)
Defenses - PPGFT - 2022 (.pdf 95.1 kB)
Defenses - 2023
In 2023, there were 15 Master's dissertation defenses and 23 Doctorate's thesis defenses.
Defenses - PPGFT - 2023 (.pdf 69.6kB)