Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Laboratory (LACAP)

Lab coordinators: Audrey Borghi e Silva, Ph.D., Renata Gonçalves Mendes, Ph.D., and Adriana Sanches Garcia de Araujo, Ph.D.

The LACAP aims to investigate the evaluation and effects of cardiopulmonary physical therapy interventions on outpatient and hospital patients with cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic diseases, and critical illnesses. Studies have been funded internally by the PPGFT/UFSCar and funding agencies (FAPESP, CNPq, and CAPES).

National and international collaborations: Emmanuel Ciolac, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil; Michel Silva Reis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil; Ross Arena and Shane Phillips, University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), USA; William Sheel, British Columbia University (BCU), Canada; Jorge Henriques, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal; Jonathan Myers, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA; Piergiuseppe Agostoni, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy; John Hurst, University College London, UK;

Infrastructure: LACAP is located at the DFisio and has approximately 75m2. There is a workspace for data analysis and scientific writing. The cleaning and disinfecting room is shared with NUPEF. Major lab equipment is in two other rooms: ergometers (Corival Lode Recumbent Cyclo Ergometer, Inbramed Cyclo Ergometer, Inbramed-Master ATL/ATS treadmill), mechanical ventilator (Resmed, Astral 150), heart rate monitors, ergospirometry (Oxycon Mobile), plethysmography system (Finometer Pro), human and animal signal acquisition systems (Powerlab 8/35, Bio Amp FE132 – AD Inst), near-infrared spectroscopy (2 NIRS, Oxymon), long-term ECG (Holter), respiratory inductance plethysmography (Life Shirt), manovacuometer, spirometry, sonosite M-turbo ultrasound, SphygmoCor (ATCor - arterial stiffness), impedance cardiology (PhysioFlow), lactate and glucose analyzer (YSI 2300), scale (Inbody), whole-body electrical stimulator (Myha bodytec), and lung plethysmography (MasterScreen Jaeger).



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