Child Development Analysis Laboratory (LADI)

Lab coordinators: Nelci Adriana Cicuto Ferreira Rocha, Ph.D. and Ana Carolina de Campos, Ph.D.

The LADI aims to contribute to evidence-based practice in neuropediatric physical therapy. Specifically, the studies conducted in the lab have four aims: (1) to evaluate components of functioning and disability in children and adolescents with disabilities; (2) to identify biopsychosocial indicators in typical infants and those related to risk for developmental delay; (3) to investigate the effect of physical therapy intervention; (4) to translate and validate assessment instruments. Since its implementation in 2006, eleven projects were funded by FAPESP and three Universal Projects CNPQ, PROEXT – MEC/SESu. National and international collaborations: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil; Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Brazil; McMaster University, Canada; University of Harfort (UHart), USA.

Infrastructure: LADI has a total area of 50 m2. Research agencies funded most of the equipment and materials. The main equipment is used for kinematic analysis (GWalk inertial sensor – BTS), kinetic analysis (Bertec portable force platform FP4060-05), and electromyography (Delsys 16-channel wireless electromyography). The lab also has video cameras and tripods, ambient lighting, child and adult scales, stadiometer, actigraph, weight-bearing evaluation table, pressure sensor for dual-task during sit-to-stand (Stand Up Profile), standardized rating scales (BSITD-III, ITERS, HOME, Sensory Profile, and Life-H, AIMS, IMP, YC-PEM, PEM-CY, and Challenge), television, projector, Kinect and X-Box, and adjustable height and seat inclination chair.
