Movement Analysis Center (NAM)

Coordinator: Melina Nevoeiro Haik, Ph.D.

The NAM is a multi-user laboratory of the DFisio funded by the CNPQ and FAPESP. It supports several DFisio professors and researchers and can be used by other researchers. The lab is equipped with Qualisys Motion Capture System, composed of eight high-speed and high-resolution optical digital cameras and passive reflective markers. Data are analyzed using the Qualisys Track Manager [QTM] and Visual 3D software, which calculates joint rotation, velocity, and acceleration. The Qualisys Motion Capture System can be integrated with two force platforms (BERTEC Corporation, USA, model 4060-08) and wireless electromyography (Trigno, Delays). Several research projects conducted by Master's and Ph.D. students of the PPGFT/UFSCar and other institutions (e.g., the School of Engineering at USP-SC) have been developed at NAM. The lab also has a bodyweight support device with an iron rail fixed to the ceiling, an electric hoist, a load cell, and a digital display.
