Movement Analysis Laboratory – (LaPAM)

Lab coordinators: Eloisa Tudella, Ph.D. and Ana Carolina de Campos, Ph.D.

The LaPAM aims to describe and analyze the motor development of typical and at-risk infants (biological, physical, or socio-environmental risks) during the first years of life, especially the first semester. Studies use the Qualisys Motion Capture System to assess and quantify the spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal kinematics of head movements, reaching, grasping, manipulation of objects, lower limb kicks, and sitting position. Studies also measure the effectiveness of training protocols to improve specific motor skills of infants.

Infrastructure: LaPAM has approximately 50 m². The lab has a Qualisys Motion Capture System with five cameras, adjustable chair with equipment for measuring the seat inclination angle, pediatric digital scale, stadiometer, wooden platform, table with acrylic top for checking infants’ contact surface, cameras, camcorders, tripods (Manfrotto®), and materials for environmental stimulation.


