Physical Therapy Devices Laboratory (LAREF)

Lab coordinators: Richard Eloin Liebano, Ph.D. and Mariana Arias Avila Vera, Ph.D.

The LAREF aims to investigate and evaluate the influence of electrophysical agents on biological tissues. Electrophysical agents studied are therapeutic ultrasound, short waves, microwaves, laser, LED, and electric currents. LAREF uses the following methodologies: ordinary light microscopy, polarized light, chemical analysis (blood, bone, tendon, and muscle), analyses of protein expression by zymography, quantification of cytokines, and immunohistochemical and morphological analysis. The lab evaluates pain and hyperalgesia in animals and humans. Research projects with human beings evaluate the effects of electrophysical agents on clinical and induced pain and functional performance. Digital pressure algometer, validated scales, and questionnaires are used as part of the methodology. The lab equipment is funded by funding agencies. Prof. Richard collaborates with international researchers, such as Prof. Kathleen Sluka (University of Iowa, USA) and Prof. James Bellew (University of Indianapolis, USA).